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The NHR system

The NHR system consists of two independent systems named System Lise (named after Lise Meitner) and Emmy (named after Emmy Noether). The systems are located at the Zuse Institute Berlin (Lise) and the University of Göttingen (Emmy). Overall, the NHR system consists of 1270 compute nodes with 121,920 cores in total. You can learn more about the system and the differences between the sites on the NHR website.System Lise at NHR@ZIB consists of two partitions, the CPU partition and GPU partition. The GPU partition is under development with a specific documentation for power users GPUconsists of different compute partitions.


Please login to the gateway nodes using the Secure Shell ssh (protocol version 2), see the example below. The standard gateways are called

Name of compute partition (Berlin)
and (Göttingen).
