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Note that a single GPU Max 1550 is comprised of two “tiles” or “stacks” which can be considered as NUMA domains. Depending on your workload you may restrict your application to a tile or make use of a full GPU.

Login Nodes

Login to the GPU PVC partition is possible through dedicated login nodes, reachable via SSH under

$ ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_rsa_nhr
Enter passphrase for key '...':
bgilogin1 $

File systems

The file systems HOME and WORK on the GPU system are the same as on the CPU system, see Quickstart. Access to compute node local SSD space is provided via the environment variable LOCAL_TMPDIR defined during a SLURM session (batch or interactive job).

Software and environment modules

Login and compute nodes of the PVC GPU partition are running under Rocky Linux.


When compiling applications for the PVC GPU partition, we recommend to use the PVC GPU login nodes or, in case of really demanding compilations and/or need for the presence of the GPU drivers, the use of a PVC GPU compute node via an interactive SLURM job session.

Slurm Partitions

Partition Name


GPUs per Node

GPU Hardware





Intel Data Center GPU Max 1550

full node exclusive
